Supporting Your School Experience
At Tyndall College, we know everyone will need a little extra help at some point during their time at school and we aim to offer everyone the support they need to succeed. Sometimes students need a helping hand with some aspects of their learning or personal development and we have a dedicated and highly experienced team on hand who are ready to provide the support needed for your child to participate successfully in school life.
Pastoral Care Team
Every member of staff is involved in your child’s care and your child will always find somebody to talk to about any concern they might have whilst at school. Our Pastoral Care Team includes teachers and staff whose work has a special focus on your child’s care and includes our Class Tutors, Year Heads, Deputy Year Heads, Guidance Counsellors, Home School Community Liaison, Resource Teachers, the School Completion Team, Assistant Principals, Deputy Principals and Principal. Their role is to help all students make the most of the opportunities at Tyndall College by offering support when and where it is needed.
Joining Our Community
If your child is progressing to Tyndall College Carlow from primary or another school, we think it’s especially important that we help your child get used to and settle into the environment of a busy, lively school. For new students we can support their transition from primary school, with visits to us before they start. Our Pastoral Care team will organise an initial assessment for new incoming students to help them choose the best possible options for subjects and class groups. Your child will have the opportunity to participate in an induction programme to help them familiarise their selves with school life and to help them get started successful on their programme. We are also here to assist your child achieve their learning goals and make decisions about their career.
Additional Learning Support
We support students with dyslexia, hearing impairments or deafness, restricted mobility or dexterity, mental health difficulties, learning difficulties, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and many more. Please let us know of any requirements on application, so we can prepare to put available supports in place, in line with NCSE guidelines.
Class Tutor
Every student has a Class Tutor and is part of a small tutor group, which meets every week. The tutor will work with your child to ensure they make the most of their time with us by assisting them to set and review personal learning goals. Class tutors are there to help your child access specialist support, give guidance and help with study skills, attendance, punctuality and their personal development.
Reviews and Reports
Every term your child’s progress is reviewed by their subject teachers. These reviews result in agreed action plans, which have clear and challenging targets. Subject progress and results are reported back to parents/guardians, who are invited to attend follow-up parent-teacher evenings in school.
Career Guidance
Whether you plan to go to work, college or university, our dedicated and highly skilled Career Guidance Counsellors will help your child through the planning, subject choice, research and application processes involved at all stages of their time at school. During their senior years, they will have the opportunity to visit various colleges and institutions, and representatives from universities will visit the school to talk about the
application process and student life.
Personal Counselling
Our Guidance Counsellors are also available to support students with their own specific personal needs – your child can to talk through any issue with our specially trained counsellor who can give them confidential, impartial and supportive advice and direct them and you to additional support services if appropriate.
Assisted and Supervised Study
Tyndall College offers after school study for both Senior and Junior students. Students can use this time to complete their homework and study in a supervised environment, free from distractions. Further information on our Assisted and Supervised Study programmes may be found here.
School Completion Programme
Tyndall College participates in the School Completion Programme with a range of activities and supports to encourage all students to complete their post-primary education successfully. The School Completion Programme activities includes programmes to help build confidence, makes friends and achieve success for students at the school.
School Ethos
Tyndall College welcomes students from diverse backgrounds and cultural traditions to a school that values the contribution made by each individual. As a non-denominational, multi-belief school we support and respect equally the beliefs and traditions of each student in an inclusive atmosphere. We articulate our beliefs.