School Uniform

1) Tyndall College green jumper with Tyndall College crest (First – Third Year Students) and Tyndall College blue jumper with Tyndall College crest (Transition – Sixth Year Students)
2) White shirt 
3) Navy trousers or Tyndall College patterned skirt
4) Black shoes (shoes only – trainers or runners are not to be worn)

For PE:
1) Tyndall College crested PE t-shirt*
2) Tyndall College navy crested tracksuit bottoms*
3) Tyndall College half zip top*
3) White-soled trainers or runners

    *Available through Shaws Carlow and, and may also be pre-ordered through the Kaideen Knitware mobile shop, which comes to the school each year. 

    IMPORTANT: PE kit is only to be worn on designated PE days or for training.

    Students must wear the correct items of uniform at all times to participate in school. No other items of clothing are accepted as appropriate for school. Clothing including all forms of outer coats, scarves etc. must be left in lockers and are not permitted to be worn in school. Please note that Tyndall College expects students to follow guidelines on appropriate personal presentation for school, including hair, jewellery and make-up. Full information may be found in the Tyndall College Code of Positive Behaviour. Students are expected to present themselves appropriately to participate in school.